Mustafa Levent Sungur was born in Trabzon on November 8, 1981.
In year 2003 : Mr.Sungur graduated from the Middle East University with a degree in Civil Engineering.
2004 -2006 : Mr.Sungur worked at the INCO Engineering and Civil Contracting Company.
2006-2007: Mr.Sungur worked as expert at TOKİ
2007-2008 : The Static Division Manager
2009-2018 : The Mass Housing Projects and Research Department Manager
2019-2024 : TOKİ Vice Chairman.
At the Ordinary General Assembly of April 30, 2019, Mr. Sungur was elected Vice Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Emlak Konut REIC.
Sungur continues to serve as the President of the Mass Housing Administration as of July 17, 2024.
Mr. Sungur knows fluent English and German at an intermediate level.