Considering the long-term goals of the Company, the “Remuneration Committee” formed in line with the Corporate Governance Principles” submits its proposals concerning the principles of remunerations to the Board Members and Executives.
Based on the proposals of the “Remuneration Committee”, the remunerations to the Board Members are submitted by the Board of Directors to the ordinary General Meeting held for the respective period of activity to allow the shareholders to review it and, approved thereat accordingly.
The Board Members are paid a net monthly remuneration as determined at the ordinary General Meeting and, bonuses in the amount of the net monthly remuneration for 4 times a year.
At the end of the financial year, the income tax that are to be accrued due to the payments to the Board Members is paid by the Company (payments received from more than one employer).
For the remunerations to the Independent Board Members, such payment plans based on dividends, share options or the performance of the Company are not to be used. Remunerations to these members should be of at such a level that maintains their independences.
Considering the current economic data at the market, the remuneration policies applied at the market, the long-term goals of the Company and, the tasks, powers and responsibilities of the Executives, the “Remuneration Committee” determines the monthly net remunerations to the Executives and, submits the same to the Board of Directors in the form of a proposal.
Considering the current economic data at the market, the remuneration policies applied at the market, the long-term goals of the Company and, the education backgrounds, skills, experience, expertness, speaking foreign languages and other respective criteria, the General Manager determines the monthly net remunerations to the personnel and, submits the same to the Board of Directors in the form of a proposal.
Remunerations to the Executives and the personnel are to be increased at the beginning of January and July every year upon the respective resolution of the Board of Directors based on the proposal of the “Remuneration Committee” and the General Manager respectively.
In addition to the monthly net remunerations, the Executives and the personnel are given bonuses in such numbers and amounts as determined based on the respective resolution of the Board of Directors.