Emlak Konut

Values and Policies Wage Policy



- The "Remuneration Committee" formed within the framework of the Corporate Governance Principles, takes into account the long-term goals of the Company and submits its proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the remuneration principles of the Members of the Board of Directors and Managers.

-   The remuneration of the Members of the Board of Directors is submitted to the examination of the shareholders and approved by the Board of Directors at the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for the relevant activity period, based on the recommendation of the “Remuneration Committee”.

-  Members of the Board of Directors are given bonuses 4 times a year in the amount of the monthly net salary and monthly net salary determined at the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting.

-   At the end of the financial year, the Company pays the income tax amount due to the payments made to the Members of the Board of Directors (wages received from more than one employer).

-  Dividend, share options or payment plans based on the Company's performance cannot be used in the remuneration of the Independent Members of the Board of Directors. The wages of these members must be at a level to protect their independence.

-   The “Remuneration Committee” determines the monthly net wages to be given to the Executives, taking into account the current economic data in the market, the wage policies prevailing in the market, the long-term goals of the Company and the duties, authorities and responsibilities assumed by the Executives, and submits them to the Board of Directors as a recommendation.

-  General Manager, monthly net wages to be given to the personnel, current economic data in the market, wage policies valid in the market, long-term goals of the company, education level, talent, experience, expertise, foreign language knowledge, etc. It determines the criteria by considering the criteria and presents it to the Board of Directors as a proposal.

-  Manager's wages are increased in January and July of each year by the decision of the Board of Directors, based on the recommendation of the "Remuneration Committee" and the personnel wages on the recommendation of the General Manager.

-  In addition to their monthly net wages, managers and personnel are given bonuses in the number and amount determined by the decision of the Board of Directors.

-  Performance bonuses, financial rewards, etc., to the managers and personnel, at the discretion of the General Manager, within the framework of the Company's internal regulations. can be given.

-  Managers and staff, transportation, food, marriage, birth, death, health, etc. social services and assistance.